Dealing with WorryWorry is a repetitive self-talk activity about possible, future calamities. Worrying is an attempt at solving a problem via thinking.
Is Binge Eating an Addiction?The following is not independent thought and derives from chapter 7 of Christopher Fairburn's "Overcoming Binge Eating". This post is a...
What Causes Binge Eating?The “restraint model of binge eating” suggests dieting is a major driver of binge eating. As evidence, binges tend to occur on or after day
When Logic is not Enough - Exposure and Response Prevention for AnxietyCBT therapies generally comprise four strategies for helping people change: Learning new coping skills and desired, healthy behaviors...
What DBT Assumes about Human Nature, Behavior, and the Processes of Therapeutic ChangeThe following is adapted from Marsha Linehan's DBT Skills Training Manual: 1. All human beings are loveable. By virtue of inclusion...
What is a Personality Disorder (PD)?Many mental health problems, like recurrent major depressive disorder, affect a specific domain (in this case, mood) and tend to be...
What is CBT?Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) represents a collection of therapies with a unifying philosophy, capable of treating problems ranging...
How Can I Recover from PTSD?Three treatments currently exist for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which involve trauma reprocessing and which carry the...